At the event place "Offroadpark Berlin Brandenburg
of TFR GmbH", the following applies:
Every visitor to our event is obliged to register immediately after arrival at the ticket office. The opening hours will be announced online. The participant wristbands issued are non-transferable and must be worn in a clearly visible manner for the entire duration of the festival.
On the pitch, the motto is caution and mutual consideration. Behave in such a way that you do not endanger, harass or harm humans or animals.
Dogs must be kept on a leash on the entire site. Dog owners or dog handlers are responsible for cleaning up dog excrement.
Escape routes, passageways and connecting routes must be kept clear at all costs.
Walking speed applies throughout the site.
Please keep the event site and all sanitary facilities in proper condition. Dispose of waste generated during the stay in the designated container. It is forbidden to dispose of garbage or hazardous waste brought along.
Let trees, branches and shrubs live.
From 10:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., the music in the family area and from 12:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. in the party area must be turned down to room volume.
From a forest fire level 4, open fires are prohibited by the police and are punishable by fines of up to 50,000 euros. From forest fire level 3 onwards, we reserve the right to prohibit barbecues on the premises. If barbecuing is permitted, the grill operator must keep extinguishing agent ready to hand. In the event of a fire, every visitor is obliged to provide assistance as far as he or she is able to do so. We assume that the gas systems and gas containers carried on board are in perfect condition, we take care of this, we assume no liability for this.
We assume no liability for damage, loss and accidents. There is no claim for damage caused by force majeure, in particular fire, storm and rain.
The use of all areas and playground equipment is at your own risk. Damage or danger spots on the event site must be reported to the organizer.
Guardians / persons with a duty of care are liable for their children on the entire event site.
The use of vehicles that are not eligible for registration is not permitted on the entire festival grounds.
By entering the premises, you agree that photos and video recordings made by us may be used in public media, among other things, for promotional purposes.
Driving on the off-road routes is prohibited without permission.
Instructions of the organizer must always be followed, in case of non-compliance we can pronounce a ban on the site due to our domiciliary rights.
Thank you very much and have fun!